Our Commitment.
We are specialists in retirement.
We are retirement specialists. It is all we do.
We have helped thousands of people like you with their retirement plans. It means we understand what is important to live a successful retirement.
We also understand that most people don’t choose when they retire. Most people retire because they get sick, lose their job or need to care for a loved one.
It’s okay. We will help you get to know your options, so that you still feel in control of your finances. We will set up a regular income stream so that you can continue to do the things you have always enjoyed doing with the people you care most about.
Most people worry about running out of money in retirement. We help keep you on track and match your investments with your expenditure so that you can be confident you will enjoy a comfortable retirement.
We are committed to our local community.
We are based in Orange and deliver retirement advice to clients in the Central West. We regularly have appointments across the region including Bathurst, Dubbo, Lithgow and Mudgee.
We have helped thousands of people in our local community plan for their retirement. And we are committed for the long-term, building our lives and careers right here.
We are flexible in how we provide our services. We are happy to meet with you face-to-face either at one of our offices or even at your home. If that is not possible, we can video-conference or use the phone. It is up to you.
We provide service like no other.
At Daniel Crump Financial Planning there is no clock watching, so we are free to go the extra mile if that is what it takes.
It is important you understand your options. We take the time to compare the possibilities and help you understand what you can and can’t achieve.
We make the effort to get things right, whether that is when we are placing your investments, making changes to existing investments or making sure you receive your full age pension entitlements.
We are flexible in how we provide our services. We are happy to meet with you face-to-face either at one of our offices or even at your home. If that is not possible, we can video-conference or use the phone. It is up to you.
We are experts in defined benefits super.
We have extensive experience in providing specialist financial advice on defined benefits super schemes.
We understand the complexities of defined benefits super, especially NSW and Commonwealth public sector schemes. We are experts in SSS, SASS, CSS, PSS, Local Government Super and StatePlus super.
We will make sure you understand your choices under the scheme, and help you maximise your benefit entitlements.
We are respectful and care about our clients.
We provide a caring environment to talk about sensitive issues. We know that what is your personal business should stay your personal business. Especially when you are experiencing a major and stressful life change.
And we are not judgmental. We respect your previous decisions and help you make the most of your circumstances.
You always have options.
We have no hidden agendas.
We are here to serve you and you alone.
We are not owned by any financial institutions or super funds who might want to bias our advice.
If we make an investment recommendation we can choose from a broad range of products. We have no ties with any product providers or super funds that may try to bias or limit our advice.
We provide advice on your entire circumstances, not just your super. We will take the time to understand you and make a professional diagnosis of the real issues you face.